aku ingin begini, aku ingin begitu (a pregnant busy mind)
Being pregnant is a blessing. Tugas paling mulia yang diemban setiap wanita, kodrat mereka sebagai wanita; melahirkan dan menjadi ibu.
Being pregnant (for 2nd time) is the most difficult thing for me, the hardest days. Hamil Leonie dulu, serba pasrah, cengeng, dan tujuan jalani hidup sehari cuma 1: melahirkan.
Hamil ke dua ini, entah kenapa the pain, frustation is worse than my 1st pregnancy. I felt useless. So many things in mind, so many target but hard to achieve due to the thing i carry everyday. I love being pregnant, not many women can have child easily as me and i thank God for that.
These days i tried to calm myself. There'll be plenty time to do things i want after i labour this child. Ini cuma delay, bukan tidak bisa terwujud. Tenang... Calm yourself nes. Maybe God wants you to take a break a while from all your business, from all your ambition. You'll have all time of your life after this pregnancy, to do all you want and to achieve all your ambition.
Take a break, nes. Calm yourself. Tinggal 3 bln lagi... It wont last long kok... Anggap aja ini istirahat dari kepenatan pekerjaan and ur busy mind. Hehehe... For 9 months, pikirin anak aja... Nanti baru pikirin lagi ambisi2, kpingin2 ini-itu. You can laa...
*a busy mind