
Showing posts from May, 2019

Piano class? Her other interest

Selain coding and robotic Leonie juga minta Les piano. She started it last november (2018). So it has been 6 months. Dia ga pernah mau practice at home tapi sesekali play piano yg ada di lobi sekolahnya. Karena piano di rumah (piano listrik) tidak sama dgn piano di tempat les. *tepokjidat Today, I met her piano teacher. Asking her how's leonie progressing. She said, leonie will play two songs at concert. By herself. Gak mau duet ditemenin miss nya walopun this will be her first concert. "She's quick in memorizing new song loh, bu," said her teacher. She often said although Leonie like that (special pake telor), she has the passion in things she likes and that makes her brighter than other kids (not trying to comparing yah) Well, as i said in my previous posts.. I will experience more special things because of her. Hahaha...

Coding school

Setelah 2 semester ikut ekstrakurikuler Coding di sekolahnya dan dipercaya ikut Coding Olympiad yg diselenggarakan Coding Bee Academy, saya akhirnya memutuskan untuk menggali lebih dalam minat Leonie dengan memasukkannya ke Kursus semiprivate coding. Sebelum join, setiap anak ikut trial yang akan menentukan levelnya dia ketika join sehingga teachers akan menyesuaikan dengan kemampuan msg2 anak. Leonie trial dan diajukan untuk join di Coding 3 utk usia 9-11 (tho she's turning 8 this august). Her first day, she excited with krn biasanya dia hanya pakai scratch. Teacher let her. Her second meeting, teacher told me she still insisted using and angry when her miss asked her to switch to scratch and do a project. The teacher asked me what to do to make her change her persistence mood. Teachernya blg gini: "anaknya padahal bright loh bu, makanya dia di higher level than tmn2 di kelasnya. Tapi ya gitu, moody yah? Malah miss nya kyk didorong-fisik spy gak g