
Showing posts from February, 2015

about breastfeeding - Sufor atau Asix?

This is another controversy that i would reveal through this blog. I know that certain people, especially those who joined mother's milk club, para anggota forum garis keras ASI, will hate my thought and probably would bullying me for sure.  This is my second baby. The first one born in 2011. Seperti ibu-ibu baru lainnya, saya termasuk yang sangat idealis dan sudah mempersiapkan semuanya. Dari perlengkapan bayi, baju2, perlengkapan mandi, gear, bedding, dsb smuanya yang terbaik lah walaupun bukan yang termahal. Termasuk juga sudah mempersiapkan diri untuk menyusui secara ekslusif.  Si kakak lahir, dengan pedenya saya nyusuin dia walopun asi belum keluar. not even rembesan di PD. Tapi cuek lah... kita dengarkan para obgyn, dokter anak dan para bidan and suster yang bilang susuin aja terus, bayi bisa bertahan tanpa intake selama 2-3 hari karena masih ada sisa dari selama dia di rahim ibunya.  Oh ok. So dengan pedenya nyusuin. Walopuunn... masuk ke hari ke-3 si kakak mulai rewe

My baby boy...

Hi all,  Let me introduce you our newest family member... Paulus Evander Silalahi. Born on 2 February 2015 at 7.53, weigh 3.7 Length 50cm. He completed our small family, me, my husband and Leonie.  All troubles during pregnancy now goneee... and now i'm on my maternity leave for three months. busy ensuring baby Evan can sleep soundlessly, healthy till the day i leave him for work again.  Thank Jesus for the abundant blessings. I may not be able come this far if YOU're not with me all time... Thank you...