i learned.


i failed. and i got that message on my way from batuhijau to mataram.
dan seperti yang sudah-sudah.. i instantly can accept that bad news.

i called my friend and asked what about her.. and she was just like me.. and she was really upset and from her tone voice, i can see it was very hard for her to accept this.... well, ni.. there are times when we have to let go our dreams.. but tenang.. when one door closes, the other opens.

i texted my mom.. she replied, that's okay.. my abang sounded relieved. hehe.. he was the only person who had never agreed with my plan. hehe.. doamu terkabul, bg.. hehe..

i, actually is a simple person. but closest friends kept telling me is a complicated one. but mostly they agreed if i'm a tough, brave, and someone yg jauuuuhh dari sensitive or cengeng. Hehe.. So.. this failure, not even made me had to shed tears.. no.. ntah kenapa ya.. for me.. this's just a failure, a mistake, that i should not be mourn for. i just have to let it go and learn!

this morning, another friend told me her bad news. for some reasons, she failed. she said she was crying badly for that. she hoped so much for those opportunities. but she failed, for unacceptable reasons. Too bad for u, bu... but try to let it go lah...

but well... i learned many things again during my travel. being away from office and reality in jakarta made me able to think wider, deeper and wiser. dunno why, but God seems to always give me some moments, retreat moments when i was already at dead end. either He let me travel for business trip, or i just have to travel because i have to. (?) well.. thank God for that.. hehe..

today.. i also learned to accept others' character. i have some friends and colleagues who just so sensitive, outspoken, easily offended, or hypocrite, etc etc. especially those sensitive people... mungkin krn gw heartless kali yah.. jd sometimes ga bisa terima kalau ada yg soooo emotionally offended. apalagi dia COWO! hah!! kelaut aja deh klo ada co cengeng.. :)

tapii... today i ask apologize to a friend yang some time in the past pernah gw bentak. :D (something that raarreellyyy happen). Biasanya klo gw udah bentak someone, it means i care to that person. hehehe... klo gw diemin.. artinya gw dah ga peduli lagi, dah ga respek lagi.. dan klo gw bentak trus gw minta maaf..woww... gw ga tau artinya apa.. :D

conclusionnya.. i learned so many things these few days.. (kykna harus sering² on travel mode, nih...)

and i'm thanking God for that...


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