Fannie Indopacific

Ada yg menarik akhir2 ini.. tadinya sih ga niat posting disini.. tapi gpp lah.. :)

From: Rakhmat Baihaqi
E-mail: rakhmat_b@...
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 03:31:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [PERS-Indonesia] Ajakan Boikit Indopacific

Teman-Teman Bursa Efek Yang Ganteng dan Manis
Perihal kejadian yang saya dan Ardian "Detik Porter" alami, ketika kami ingin meliput acara
konferensi pers Sari Husada. Namun setelah dengan lelah, letih dan capek sampai di tempat
konfrensi Pers, Fanie Indopacific dengan entengnya mengatakan, "Maaf yah mas, ini cuma media
briefing dengan 8 media, jadi kalian tidak boleh masuk".
Kesel, marah, muak bercampur jadi satu mendengar perkataan Fanie itu. Pasalnya,
Fanie sudah kenal kami banget. Mendengar jawaban itu, kesannya Detik dan
Sindo merupakan media ecek-ecek. Yang diundang oleh Fanie Indopacific kalau
ada launching aja. Kurang ajar tuh cewek.
Pengalaman ini sudah dialami oleh Ardian 3 kali dengan Indopacific.
Lagi-lagi dengan Indopacific. Atas kejadian yang kesekian kalinya ini
MAKA kami mengajak Forum Wartawan Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ) dan sekitarnya
Kami berharap ajakan ini mendapat respon dari teman-teman media
Rakhmat Baihaqi


Email di atas jadi bahan diskusi di beberapa milis komunikasi. Then .. setelah sebulan para pakar komunikasi di milis berdebat dengan opini pribadi terbagi dua: Pro dan Kontra Indopacific ... keluarlah email dari bos Indopacific (bukan dari Fannie)

lets read ...

From: "Fannie Waldhani"
Cc: "Chadd McLisky"
Date: Mon Jul 3, 2006 3:38 pm
Subject: Letter to mailing lists

Rekan-rekan yang terhormat,
Terima kasih atas berbagai masukan berharga yang diberikan pada perusahaan kami melalui mailing list ini. Dengan rendah hati, semua masukan tersebut kami terima dengan baik untuk lebih meningkatkan layanan kami di masa yang akan datang.
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, berikut kami lampirkan penjelasan dari Management Indo Pacific dengan harapan dapat memberikan klarifikasi atas permasalahan yang ada.
Semoga hubungan kerja antara Indo Pacific dan rekan media akan terus berlanjut dengan baik di masa datang.
Fannie Waldhani
Indo Pacific
Reputation Management Consultants
Telephone: (62-21) 781-2436
Facsimile: (62-21) 781-2423

Dear all:
I wanted to take this opportunity to give a few words of explanation to the recent issues regarding an invitation-only media event that Indo Pacific Reputation Management Consultants held for our client.
Firstly I wanted to apologize to the media who were declined admission at the limited media briefing. Perhaps Indo Pacific did not handle or explain the situation as best it could have to those who were not invited, so I sincerely apologize if you were upset at being denied admission.
We are fully aware that the media are very critical to our success here in Indonesia. We would never intentionally insult or upset any of our media colleagues with whom we work so closely.
However it is important to be aware that as public relations consultants we walk a middle road. On one hand supporting and advising our clients on the best communications strategies, knowing particular corporate situations and challenges. On the other hand we attempt to ensure that the news we present is professional and newsworthy so that we can gain your support and maximize our clients' media coverage.
All public relations consultants use various strategies to advise their clients, from large scale media events to one on one interviews and a mixture in between.
In this case, Indo Pacific jointly with the client agreed (and differing from an incorrect comment that was passed through the mailing list), on a limited scale invitation-only media briefing. All public relations consultants face a dilemma when confronted with this strategy. So many important media! Which ones to invite? Which ones to leave out?
However we have to make a valued judgment at the time. On the day of the event, sometimes we have allowed one of two more media in to events who were not invited, but on this occasion we agreed that we would abide by our decision.
I see it was having a group of 50 friends, but on one day you only invite 8 to dinner. The others may hear about dinner, but certainly do not turn up, nor do they get offended. This is the way that we, as public relations professionals view this type of strategy.
I also read in one of the emails about the ‘bules’ not understanding the media culture here in Indonesia. I can assure you that we are very aware to cultural sensitivities, whether it is the ‘bules’ or the majority of our Indonesian professionals. But I can assure you that the same strategies are used in every country. Indo Pacific certainly did not create the concept of an invitation-only media event.
Yes we have to build close relationships with our media colleagues but we also have our clients to protect. Sometimes it is a very difficult middle road to walk.
So I hope you understand Indo Pacific's position, being no different from any other professional public relations firm in Indonesia or elsewhere.
Again I apologize to those media who were upset. We certainly did not have any intention to do so.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to long and close relationships with you all over the coming years.

Chadd McLisky FPRIA, MIPRA
Founder and Shareholder
Indo Pacific
Reputation Management Consultants
Telephone: (62 21) 781 2436 Facsimile (62 21) 781 2423


My opinion?

I wasnt there... i didn't see how fanie treated them. So i'd rather not made comments about this..

PR vs Wartawan?

Cliche ... and i think both of them should learn each other's job .. then respect that ..


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