Coding school

Setelah 2 semester ikut ekstrakurikuler Coding di sekolahnya dan dipercaya ikut Coding Olympiad yg diselenggarakan Coding Bee Academy, saya akhirnya memutuskan untuk menggali lebih dalam minat Leonie dengan memasukkannya ke Kursus semiprivate coding.

Sebelum join, setiap anak ikut trial yang akan menentukan levelnya dia ketika join sehingga teachers akan menyesuaikan dengan kemampuan msg2 anak.
Leonie trial dan diajukan untuk join di Coding 3 utk usia 9-11 (tho she's turning 8 this august).

Her first day, she excited with krn biasanya dia hanya pakai scratch. Teacher let her.

Her second meeting, teacher told me she still insisted using and angry when her miss asked her to switch to scratch and do a project. The teacher asked me what to do to make her change her persistence mood.

Teachernya blg gini: "anaknya padahal bright loh bu, makanya dia di higher level than tmn2 di kelasnya. Tapi ya gitu, moody yah? Malah miss nya kyk didorong-fisik spy gak ganggu dia asik dgn"

I was just.. Sighing and tried to calm myself. 😅

I said this to the teacher: "Miss, bilang aja sama leonie, if you only want to do, you can do that at home, no need to come to coding bee academy. This school only for those who wants to follow our rule: using scratch first then".

Missnya kaget.. " gapapa bu kita blg gitu?" She thought its harsh for a child to get that scolding. Apalagi gak dikasih datang ke kursusnya lagi.

I said its okay. Leonie follows the rules and afraid to break it if we told her the consequences.

I guess.. My journey with onie will be more and more challenging in the future 😅😁


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