She and Robotics

many moms asked me (or: julid me), why do I let onie spend times with her laptop or tablet. 
moms, pls deh, i also have rules. Gadget rules. She only plays 2hrs a day and fulls in weekend (but has to stop when the battery out).

She has this high-level curiosity in games, codes, robotics and all those related to computer. Strictly restraining her from computers will limit her time to explore more on things she likes that could be her talents. 

Just like #convothismorning

me: onie, today is tuesday, u have robotic after school right
Onie: yes ma. 
Me: do you now like robotic? (Krn sblumnya dia sebel, cm ky main lego)
onie: ow yea ma. Robotic is awesome. U know last time I saw upper class moved robotics hands and legs using computer. I've never done that (la iya, kelas 2 SD ngrakit dulu aja kek main lego)
Me: iya. that robot can move because it is programmed.
onie: o yea ma, i like it. I want to learn it. 

Bahas ini matanya berbinar2 and tone suaranya semangat. How can i say no when she likes this computer-related things so much 😔 

lets see, kids hobbies are changing by the time they grow up kan. Who knows nanti dia malah suka sama make up and jadi beauty blogger? 😁😁



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